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Final week

You made it through the first 5 weeks … One week left!

Thank you for your work these last few weeks. I hope you gained knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will impact you as you continue your career in nursing.  Please review the instructions below as you prepare for the final simulation. Good luck!

Entry will be via the foyer near the Nursing Office to the Simulation Lab. An instructor will let you in. Please arrive 5 to 10 minutes prior. Bring your stethoscope; PDA is optional as a drug guide book is available in the room. You must be dressed in scrubs or lab coat. You will receive a pre-briefing of the room set up and patient report. Your roles will be chosen blindly. The simulation experience during your care will be timed to 15 minutes: clock start after report. At the conclusion of the simulation, you and the instructor will debrief in the classroom. After debriefing the simulation you will exit via the courtyard nearest the classroom

It is critical that you not discuss the simulation scenario, or your performance outside of your final simulation group until after 1:15pm.  Your grade could be at risk if you decide to share or discuss the scenario before that date. This is important for the validity of the scenario for all students.

Email me for any questions

Week 5 Sepsis, Trauma, Peds

Welcome to Week 5! We are coming near the end of our time together. I hope it has been useful and enlightening building further upon your knowledge in patient care. We look forward to this week’s simulation and your demonstrating of progressive learning in simulation. This week has various resources and some involved preparation due to the content we are covering. I hope you find the resources helpful in some specialized care areas. Of course, email if you have any questions or technology hang ups!