Week 3 Recording, blogging, and learning!

Great work wrapping up Week 2 ! I am hoping you are sifting through all the reading, simulations, resources and technology to feel successful. You should be recording on VoiceThread, figuring out how to blog, and getting hands-on practice in class. I hope you are finding our simulation and lab time helpful in further developing your knowledge, reflective thinking, and clinical decision making. Hang in there as we hurdle Week 3! You are almost half-way there!  However, if you are feeling like this:


Please email me and tell me your struggles. I try to be available by email on phone when I am away from the computer. If you don’t get an answer in 48 hours, then email me again – in case I missed it. Week 1 discussion grades are posted. Please check it out and if I did not see your post, you may have a zero; if you did it, please recategorize or redirect me to it. Thanks!

I realize I may be stretching you all with this new technology, but for good reason. Check out this blog another faculty member about the reasons for testing you in addition to all the great comments and thoughts you had in Week 1 blog and Week 2 VoiceThread discussions. I am impressed by your thoughts, experiences and discussions going on about Healthcare and Insurance. Many of you used video also – great job! If you still have individual questions about VoiceThread, please email me.

I hope you are enjoying simulation and find it meaningful to your learning. Keep up the good work, and have a great week!


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