First Day and Tips for Blogging …

Thank you for your contributions today and participation in simulation. I look forward to our coming weeks together. Please email me for any questions. I have posted the VoiceThread I intended to review today below, and in the “VoiceThreads” tab for your course.



I thought I might also share tips for those of you who are interested in doing more with your blogs. There are many other ways you may consider using your blogs beyond this class – updates to family or friends; post ideas and thoughts on topics of interest; or perhaps even make a page (or subdomain) as a resume! Lots of options…

If you are interested in learning more or even just small tips on using wordpress, you have access to multiple videos at through MyCI. Just login, and look for

Screenshot 2015-01-02 21.41.48 has many useful videos on “how to” from the very simple to more complex. Just search WordPress and you will find tutorials. Remember, this is not required, but just information for anyone who is looking to learn more about this topic.


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